US Warriors quick tips on effective fitness

and nutrition tracking

US Warriors quick tips on effective fitness and nutrition tracking

Military Fitness,


Sustain or Reclaim

Your Prime Condition

Stay A Warrior After Service

Military Fitness,


Sustain or Reclaim

Your Prime Condition

Stay A Warrior After Service

Navigating the Fitness Battlefield:

We've All Faced These Challenges

Loss of Structured Environment

In the military, physical training is part of the daily routine, and there's a built-in support system and a clear structure. We may struggle with the lack of this structured environment, finding it challenging to maintain the same level of fitness discipline and regularity on our own.

Adjusting to Civilian Fitness Norms:

Military workouts and fitness standards are designed for combat readiness, which can be vastly different from civilian fitness routines. We may find it difficult to adjust to different types of exercise or fitness goals that are more common in civilian life, leading to decreased motivation or uncertainty about how to adapt our training methods effectively.

Time Management Challenges:

Adjusting to civilian life often oftentimes leads us to juggling multiple responsibilities such as work, education, and family, which can significantly reduce the time available for fitness. Finding the balance and managing time effectively to incorporate regular exercise can be a substantial challenge without the rigid schedule of military life.

Navigating the Fitness Battlefield:

We've All Faced These Challenges

Loss of Structured


In the military, physical training is part of the daily routine, and there's a built-in support system and

a clear structure. We may struggle with the lack of this structured environment, finding

it challenging to maintain the same level

of fitness discipline and

regularity on our own.

Adjusting to Civilian

Fitness Norms:

Military workouts and fitness standards are designed for combat readiness, which can be vastly different from civilian fitness routines. We may find it difficult to adjust to different types of exercise or fitness goals that are more common in civilian life, leading to decreased motivation or uncertainty about how to adapt our training methods effectively.

Time Management Challenges:

Adjusting to civilian life often oftentimes leads us to juggling multiple responsibilities such as work, education, and family, which can significantly reduce the time available for fitness. Finding the balance and managing time effectively to incorporate regular exercise can be a substantial challenge without the rigid schedule

of military life.

When You Achieve or Sustain

Your Prime Condition You:

Maintain Honor and

Personal Integrity:

Upholding a commitment to physical fitness reflects the military values of honor and integrity. By staying in shape, we demonstrate a commitment to personal standards and respect for the

physical prowess we achieved

during our service.

Look and Feel

Your Best

When you look and feel your best, every aspect of life seems to align. You carry yourself with more confidence and energy, embodying the best version of yourself. It's not just about physical appearance; it's about feeling vibrant and ready for any challenge.

Gain the Edge In Civilian Life

By maintaining top physical condition, you harness discipline and resilience, enhancing your adaptability and competitiveness in civilian roles. It's about leveraging fitness to thrive beyond the uniform.

When You Achieve or Sustain Your Prime Condition You:

Maintain Honor and

Personal Integrity:

Upholding a commitment to physical fitness reflects the military values of honor and integrity. By staying in shape, we demonstrate a commitment to personal standards and respect for the physical prowess we achieved

during our service.

Look and Feel

Your Best

When you look and feel your best, every aspect of life seems to align. You carry yourself with more confidence and energy, embodying the best version of yourself. It's not just about physical appearance; it's about feeling vibrant and ready for any challenge.

Gain the Edge In

Civilian Life

By maintaining top physical condition, you harness discipline and resilience, enhancing your adaptability and competitiveness in civilian roles. It's about leveraging fitness to thrive beyond the uniform.

Getting Started

is Easy...



Begin your tailored fitness journey with a simple call. We'll discuss your specific fitness challenges since transitioning to civilian life and get a clear understanding on where you are at now and where you want to be. This conversation is the first step in crafting a customized plan that meets your unique needs, ensuring a seamless integration into your lifestyle.



We transform our initial chat into a fully customized game plan tailored specifically for you. This detailed strategy outlines the steps necessary to reach your exact fitness goals. We consider your unique strengths and challenges, designing a regimen that not only fits your lifestyle but also propels you toward achieving peak physical condition. It’s your personal roadmap to success, guiding you every step of the way.



Weekly Check-ins are your accountability cornerstone, ensuring you remain committed to the fitness goals you've set. In these sessions, we assess your progress, celebrate your successes, and make necessary adjustments to your plan. This consistent oversight and support help keep you motivated and on track, ensuring each step takes you closer to your ultimate fitness objectives.

Getting Started

is Easy...



At Elite Control Coaching, the desire to be at your best fuels everything we do. It's about igniting that inner drive to push beyond the limits, to redefine strength and resilience in every aspect of your life. This passionate pursuit of excellence paves the way for a transformative journey. Begin by scheduling a chat with us, setting the cornerstone for enduring change and a lifestyle of empowered well-being.



"Set the Course" unfolds during your initial chat with us at Elite Control Coaching, marking a pivotal step in your journey toward peak physical and mental fitness. This conversation is where your personalized fitness blueprint comes to life, tailored to harness your military discipline into civilian triumph. Through this dialogue, we'll map out your path to resilience and strength, equipping you with the strategies, support, and guidance needed to achieve a lifestyle of elite control and well-being.



"Execute the Plan and Win" is the final, triumphant phase in your journey with Elite Control Coaching, where your dedication meets action. As you get enrolled in our coaching, it signifies the start of executing your meticulously crafted fitness strategy, empowering you to sustain peak physical and mental condition. Revel in the victory of a life transformed, where the discipline and resilience you've honed translate into a healthier, more fulfilling civilian life.

Stay Warrior With

Elite Control Coaching

At Elite Control Coaching, we know you want to be a warrior even after your time in the service. In order to do that, you need a fitness regimen that gives you a resilient body in peak condition. The problem is there are too many soft programs out there that aren’t designed for people like us, which probably makes you feel like why even bother. I believe every one of our brothers in arms commands a program that gives them the edge in civilian life. I too understand what it’s like to transition out of the military. That’s why I created a fitness program that allows all of us to keep our bodies resilient and in peak condition. Here’s how we do it: First, we schedule a time to chat, about where you are at now, and what it will take to get exactly where you want to be. Then I walk you through your customized plan. And finally, we check in weekly to see the progress and results so that we stay on track. So, schedule a quick chat. And in the meantime, download my warriors quick tips on effective fitness and nutrition tracking.

So you can stop wasting valuable time going in the wrong direction and instead,

get back on the trail towards absolute elite control.

Stay Warrior With

Elite Control Coaching

At Elite Control Coaching, we know you want to be a warrior even after your time in the service. In order to do that, you need a fitness regimen that gives you a resilient body in peak condition. The problem is there are too many soft programs out there that aren’t designed for people like us, which probably makes you feel like why even bother. I believe every one of our brothers in arms commands a program that gives them the edge in civilian life. I too understand what it’s like to transition out of the military. That’s why I created a fitness program that allows all of us to keep our bodies resilient and in peak condition. Here’s how we do it: First, we schedule a time to chat, about where you are at now, and what it will take to get exactly where you want to be. Then I walk you through your customized plan. And finally, we check in weekly to see the progress and results so that we stay on track. So, schedule a quick chat. And in the meantime, download my warriors quick tips on effective fitness and nutrition tracking. So you can stop wasting valuable time going in the wrong direction and instead,

get back on the trail towards absolute elite control.